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Castle Hill High School

Advice & Signposting

Support your child's Wellbeing - Activities and Resources

Anxiety and School Avoidance

A Guide for Parents and Carers

Autism and wellbeing

The website Know Your Normal campaign aims to reduce the stigma around mental health and create resources for autistic young people to work out and understand what their normal is. Click here to access the website:

Know Your Normal 

 How to talk to your child about their feelings (Kooth guide)

A guide for parents and carers

Talking to your child about Mental Health - My voice matters (Place2be)

Top tips for families

Essential Parent (In safe hands)

Essential Parent is an online library of videos, articles and other information to support parents and carers of babies, children and teenagers in all aspects of health and wellbeing. Anyone is welcome to sign up and use these resources – both staff and parents / carers. For secondary schools and colleges there is also a section for young people themselves to access.

To sign up to the Essential Parent library please complete the registration form here:

Sign up form


Proud Connections: Parents & Carers is an online peer support group for the parents and carers of LGBT+ young people facilitated by experienced members of staff from The Proud Trust.

website adult website and proud connections poster.pdf


Proud Connections- Parents and Carers

 Solihull parenting resources and communications for settings

All schools and colleges in Stockport are in a pre-paid area for the online Solihull Approach courses. This means local parents and carers can access a range of online support to better understand children’s emotional health, brain development and wellbeing.

Solihull Approach

Support for your own Wellbeing - Activities and Resources

Trusted Online Support Resources

Find a wide range of support here which can be accessed online - please click below... 

Trusted resources


Free digital mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK -

Click to watch the short video or follow the link directly to the QWELL website

Qwell - Whatever is on your mind we are here to listen



Just One Thing

If time is tight, what's the one thing that you should be doing to improve your health and wellbeing? Ina  series of 15-minute podcasts, Michael Mosley reveals scientifically proven top tips to change your life. They range from taking a nap to standing on one leg! 

Click on this link to access the podcasts: 

Just One Thing

General resources
Wellbeing activities and games
Kindness activity pack


Creative activity for secondary age pupils - What matters to you? (Place2be)

Developed by Place2Be‘s Art Room team for 11-14 year olds, this activity encourages young people to consider what matters to them in their day to day life, and in the wider world. Notes for grownups





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