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Castle Hill High School

Parent Group

The aim of our Parent Group is to give parents and carers the opportunity to meet with other parents, discuss school life, find out about useful local services and chat with our Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Johnston. 

The Parent Group meets at least termly and all parents and carers are welcome to attend. You don't have to come to every meeting and you can say as much or as little as you like, it's a very supportive and informal group. Meetings take place in school and refreshments are served.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Useful resources from recent meetings 


Information about expected parent communication


Parent Group: 26th September 2023


Parent Group: 22nd November 2023

Parent Group: Phonics Training


Parent Group: 27th February 2024


Parent Group: Maths information


Parent Group: Maths assessment examples


Parent Group: Internet Safety



Summary of most recent meetings:

  • Parents were told of some of the key changes that had been made from their feedback at parent group. 
  • Parents were also told about the School Development Plan, the key objectives were shared.
  • Parents were given the opportunity to share what they felt worked well at Castle Hill as well as share improvement points. 
  • Information was shared about our recent OFSTED. 
  • Parents were informed about the different quality marks that school are currently applying for.
  • Parents were also notified of the school's plan to promote Inclusion and Diversity through the introduction of the Inclusion and Diversity Team
  • Parents were given additional information about Reading and Phonics at Castle Hill. 
  • More recently, parents were given specific information about the maths curriculum, a discussion also took place about the range of assessments and qualifications on offer at Castle Hill. Parents highlighted that this is something they would like more information about. 
  • Parents were offered an internet safety presentation which you can download using the link above. 
  • Parents have requested more information about the SOLAR program we are using to track assessment. Parents would also like further information about how options works at Castle Hill. 

Dates of meetings 2024-2025

The next meetings will be on:

  • Monday 04th November 1.30-2.45pm. 
  • Monday 09th December 1.30-2.45pm. 

Parent Group Noticeboard

Preparing for Adulthood: This a great website with lots of practical ideas and resources:

Preparing for Adulthood

This leaflet give information about grants available to families of disabled and seriously ill children:

Family Fund

Stockport SEND Families Sensory Room is available for groups to use Monday-Friday 10.00-2.00pm. Email stockportsendfamilies@gmail.com to book a slot.






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