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Castle Hill High School

Activities & Support

Listed on this page are details of events and activities organised by other providers that may be of interest to parents and carers along with ideas for places to visit with your child.

Many of these have been suggested by parents and carers and have not been risk assessed or vetted by school in any way. Inclusion on this page should not be seen as a recommendation from Castle Hill High School.

Stockport Action Youth Speakers

This is youth voice group for young people with additional needs and disabilities aged between 13-25.


Autisk Youth Group


Autisk Family Techo-Fit Saturday Sessions


autisk poster sat family.jpg

 Monday Youth Club

youth club november 23 8 1 .pdf


 Girls Sports and Social Clubs

poster stockport girls group.pdf


poster stockport girls sport group.pdf



Support with mental health and wellbeing

The following link will take you to a series of videos giving advice on supporting your child with mental health and wellbeing, including issues such as exam stress, starting a new school, bullying etc:

Mental health and wellbeing videos

Stockport Wellbeing GroupA weekly group for disabled young people aged 14-18.

stockport wellbeing poster june 2021.pdf


The following activities have been recommended to us by Aiming High

Wednesday Group

16-plus Group

Karate Club

Autism museum days

Oxygen freejumping

Jump Nation

Autism cinema screenings


Details of other events and activities can be found on the local offer website: Stockport local offer 


Kooth.com is the largest emotional wellbeing platform in England. It is directly commissioned by the NHS and can give young people support 24 hours a day. It has a variety of tools and activities to help build resilience and peer support via moderated forums. 

They are delivering some drop in events for parents to give them an awareness of Kooth and how it can support their children, without wait times. 

Counselling support can be accessed between 12 noon and 10pm during the week and 6-10 during the weekend, whereby young people can receive a live messaging chat for up to an hour a week from a qualified counsellor, on  weekly basis. 

The flyer below gives more details:

stockport parentcarer session.pdf

Sign & Sing

This club runs once a month on a Saturday between 2.30 - 4.00pm for older children, teenagers and adults with SEND, at Marple Senior Citizens. Phone 07875599002 for more details. 

 Stockport KIDS Wellbeing Group 

The activities are designed in line with the five steps to wellbeing and include:
Workshops, evenings out, Makaton signs/symbols, arts and crafts, cooking, healthy living, meeting new people,taking part in consultations and having your say.
Venue: Woodbank Youth Centre, Stockport SK1 4BN.
For more information on how to refer please contact Anisa Saleh on: 07815 922 910 

Karate classes

Lightning Martial Arts Club are running karate classes for children and young people who have additional needs/disabilities and their siblings. The classes run at Adswood Young People's Centre every Friday 6.30-7.30pm. Further details from lightningmartialartsclub@gmail.com

ParaNetball Club 

para netball flier.pdf

 Inclusive Basketball Clubs

Some of our pupils attend these basketball clubs which are based around Manchester, aimed at people with an intellectual disability.



This service provides information and activities for families and people living and working with autism and other disabilities in the Stockport area.

Follow them on Twitter @Auti_SK

Email: Autisk17@gmail.com

Facebook: @AutiSK

AutiSK runs a social group for boys (age 10-19) every Monday from 6.30-8.30pm at Adswood Youth Centre, Neston Grove, Stockport, SK3 8PP.

They also run a group for girls who struggle with anxiety and social skills. It takes place every Wednesday from 6.30-8.30pm at Adswood YPC, Neston grove, SK3 8PH. 

CEA Card

Parents and carers of children with an EHCP can apply for a CEA card which allows their child and an accompanying adult free entry in 90% of cinemas nationwide. Visit the following website for details of how to apply for a CEA card


Places to visit

Mrs E Jones has put together a leaflet giving details of local leisure centres and places to visit: Leisure activities leaflet

Manchester Museum

Manchester Art Gallery

Museum of Science & Industry

National Football Museum

Legoland Discovery Centre

Quarry Bank Mill






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