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Castle Hill High School

Tuesday 24th January

Fire incident at Lisburne new-build site

Further to the text we sent out earlier, there was a fire on the Lisburne construction site early this morning. Several fire crews attended between 7.00-9.00am, but the majority have now left the site and the fire is out. Castle Hill was unaffected and school is operating as normal today.


Whilst the majority of pupils always wear the correct school uniform and look very smart, we've recently had a small number of pupils turning up in trackies, non-uniform sweatshirts etc. We'd appreciate your cooperation in making sure your child does wear the correct uniform. 

Full details of our uniform policy can be found here:

Uniform policy

We've purposely opted for a non-branded uniform. Sweatshirts and jumpers do not have to show the school logo and all items can be bought from low-cost retail outlets such as supermarkets.

If your child outgrows uniform that is in good condition and could be re-used, please consider donating it to school. This stock of uniform is available to families who may be struggling to buy items new. 




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