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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 30.09.2022


Free school meals

If you are receiving certain benefits, a FREE tasty and nutritious school meal is available for your child at Castle Hill… BUT YOU MUST APPLY!

Look at the benefits:

  • A free school meal for your child, which is good for their health and will help their learning.
  • Savings for you, worth over £450 a year.
  • Extra money for the school through Pupil Premium, worth at least £900 a year. 

Just registering your child for Free School Meals means that Castle Hill receives the extra Pupil Premium money, even if you don't take up the free meal.

The process is completely confidential and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming. As all school meals are paid via Parent Pay and students do not pay in person, students never know who gets free school meals.

If you want further information then please call the office on 0161 285 3925 or email admin@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk; everything you say will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Further details are also available here:

Free school meals

Save the date!

We've an Open School Morning planned for Thursday 17th November. This will be a chance to call in and see the school in action. Rather than focus on your child's class and lessons, you'll be given a tour of the whole school by one of our 6th form students, so you you'll get a real flavour of a typical day at Castle Hill. We'll send out more details nearer the time.

Go Green

Mrs Jones and 9J delivered an excellent assembly on Thursday, reminding everyone of the importance of recycling and explaining the role of our Eco Committee, who coordinate our bottle and paper recycling in school. 

On this theme Jack Goodwin, who is now in Year 12, created this eye-catching butterfly design from milk bottle tops, to decorate our Eco Committee noticeboard last year. 

Keep on running!

It's the London Marathon this Sunday and we've two pieces of news related to this.

Firstly, our very own Mrs Jena, who is a SERIOUS runner, is competing and we wish her the very best of luck. Let's hope that all her early morning, pre-school training will pay off!

Another member of staff, Miss Austin, had entered the London Virtual Marathon to raise money for a charity which supports people with spina bifida. However, for health reasons, she had to pull out... but a group of her colleagues have jumped in and are planning to run the 26.2 miles for Miss Austin in a relay, each running/walking/limping 2.5 miles. 

What a fantastic effort from everyone involved and we wish them all the best of luck! And if students see a number of staff limping around school on Monday, please be sympathetic!


Have a great weekend!

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