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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 24.03.2023

And the winner is...

Congratulations to Jack Goodwin, one of our Year 12 students, who has been awarded a Special Commendation for the SCOPE Young Volunteer of the Year Award 2023! Jack volunteers at SCOPE Bramhall charity shop every Wednesday as part of his sixth form curriculum. 

Rewards morning

All pupils should now know what they are doing on Rewards Morning next Friday. With activities such as bowling, the cinema, Nerf battle and shopping, it promises to be an exciting morning.

Please remember that we finish at 1.00pm on Friday, as it's the last day of term.


We've had a few cases of Covid amongst pupils and staff this week and numbers do seem to be on the rise across Stockport. To prevent more cases in school, which could then potentially impact upon people's plans for the Easter break, please be mindful if your child has any of the common Covid symptoms.

Fundraising for Francis House

You may have seen on Twitter (where else?!) that we're looking for homes for 400 chicks! There's the added attraction that each chick comes filled with a creme egg...


The chicks are available from the school office at a cost £1, with all proceeds going to Francis House Children's Hospice in Didsbury. At that price I'd say the chicks are going cheap and will be flying off the shelf! (I'll get my coat.)

Year 7 on tour!

Year 7 are off to Kingswood Activity Centre for three days next week and for some of the pupils it will be their first overnight stay away from home. We're sure they'll have a fantastic time. Staff will be tweeting updates during their stay, so why not follow us on @CastleHillHigh?


Now I'm off to walk in my wellies! Have a great weekend!



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