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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 09.09.2022

Welcome back!

It's our first blog of the new school year and what an amazing week it's been! The enthusiasm, energy and excitement of students has been wonderful to see. A special mention must go to our new Year 7 students, who have settled in so quickly - we're expecting great things from them! 

Exam success

Congratulations to all of last year's Year 11 and 13 students, who did themselves proud in the summer examinations. Students in Year 11 achieved an average of 10.4 qualifications each (GCSE, Entry Level Certificate, BTEC and Functional Skills), which is incredible. All students in Years 11 and 13 have now moved on to either our 6th form, other colleges, apprenticeships or supported internships. We are extremely proud of them and wish them the very best of luck.

Say cheese!

The school photographer will be in school next Tuesday, to take photos of all students. You'll be sent sample photos, with the option to purchase these. If you've more than one child at Castle Hill and would like a joint photo, please let the school office or your child's form teacher know.

6th form and beyond

We've a few dates for parents and carers of students in Years 10 and 11 and the 6th Form:

Wednesday, 21st September: Castle Hill 6th Form Open Event for Year 10 and 11 students and their parents/carers. Mrs Jones will outline how our 6th form operates and the application process. 

Wednesday 28th September: Year 11 Post-16 event. This will be a chance for Year 11 students and their parents/carers to meet representatives form local colleges as well as our own 6th Form.

Wednesday 5th OctoberYear 13 Post-16 event in school. This will be a chance for Year 13 students and their parents/carers to meet representatives form local colleges.

All of these events will take place after school and more details will be sent home next week. 

Can you help?

We want our students to get a real feel of what the world of work is all about. With this in mind, if you you, a family member, a friend or a colleague would be prepared to come into school to talk to a class of students about your job, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact our Careers Lead, Miss R. Wheeler (rhian.wheeler@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk)  

Macmillan Coffee Morning.... and afternoon!

With Covid restrictions well behind us, we're planning a programme of events which will give parents and carers the opportunity to visit school and get a flavour of the Castle Hill experience. The first event will be on Friday 30th September, when we'll be helping to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support, with a coffee morning and afternoon tea. 

Parents and carers of students in Years 9-13 are invited to the morning event, from 9.45-10.45am. Parents and carers of those in Years 7 & 8 can join the fun in the afternoon, from 1.30-2.45pm. 

Students will be baking cakes for the event, but we'd also appreciate any donations. 

Queen Elizabeth II

The end of this first week of term brought the sad news of the death of the Queen and our thoughts are with the Royal Family and those mourning her loss. We marked this in assembly and form time today and in the coming weeks we will  be reflecting upon her 70 years of service. It would, however, be hard to beat the words of Paddington, at the recent Platinum Jubilee celebrations: "Thank you, for everything.".






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