Castle Hill Blog, 04.11.2022
Open School morning
We’re holding our annual ‘Open School’ morning on Thursday 17th November, from 9.30 – 12.00. This will be a chance to look around school, drop in on lessons and see our students and staff in action. The idea is to tour the whole school, rather than just see your child’s class and as it's likely to be a busy morning, there won't be any opportunity to discuss your child's progress. We don’t expect you to attend for the whole morning, just turn up whenever is convenient and stay for as long as you like. Our sixth form students will be providing refreshments in our Vocation Centre.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the day.
Year 7 Parents Evening
This will be on Thursday 1st December, from 3.00-5.00pm. Invite letters will be sent out to parents and carers of Year 7 students next week.
Parents evenings for other year groups are in the new year (refer to school calendar). We hold our Year 7 Parents Evening first as we realise that those parents and carers will be keen to find out how their child has settled in.
Christmas Fair
This will take place on Saturday 3rd December, from 10.00-12.00am. Many thanks to all of you who donated bottles and chocolates for our tombola stalls. If you know of any local businesses who might like to donate items, vouchers etc for our raffle please let us know. Likewise, if you have any unwanted gifts which we might be able to use.
Now we just have to decide whether it's Christmas Fair (of course it is) or Christmas Fayre (oh no it isn't!).
End of term rewards
Students have been asked to choose their end of term reward this week. Rewards will run on the morning of Thursday 22nd December and will be open to all students who have consistently positive behaviour, are on time for school and have at least 90% attendance for the half-term.
The choices are:
Students choose two options and every effort is made to ensure they get one of their choices. If you have any questions about the end of term rewards morning, please contact Miss Hill or Miss McGuinness.
Please drive safely
If you drive on to the school site to drop off, or pick up, your child, please be mindful of the 5mph speed limit and park well way from the zebra crossings. We've had several near misses involving students recently and want to keep things as safe as possible.
Football coaching
We've been asked by Stockport County Community Trust to publicise the following football sessions:
Castle Hill Motors
You might remember that we bought what some might call an 'old banger', but we like to think of as a 'mature and well-loved, vintage motor' last summer, so that we could deliver a basic car maintenance course to our older students.
It was great to find Mr Walsh and some Year 12 students working on the course today. If things go to plan, I'm picturing a chain of garages across the northwest in a couple of years' time, which should boost my retirement fund nicely!!!)
And with that I'm off to check my tyre pressures!
Have a great weekend and if you're celebrating Bonfire Night, please keep safe!