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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 03.02.2023

Short Breaks

Stockport's Short Breaks Team are in school on Monday 13th February. If any parents or carers would like to make an appointment with them, to discuss what activities and support are available for their child outside of school, please contact Mrs Johnston by phone or email, pauline.johnston@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk.

Children's Mental Health Week

In our assemblies this week, Miss Brady outlined our plans for Children's Mental Health Week. These include a Dress to Express day next Friday, when pupils and staff are encouraged to wear clothing which expresses their mood, feelings or passions eg. a favourite colour or a team kit. We're asking for a donation of £1, which will be given to Place2Be, a charity which supports children's mental health.

You can view the PowerPoint used in our assembly here:


There are also a number of events running across Stockport:


beacon childrens mental health week 2023 events.pdf


8J took part in a Table Cricket competition in Altrincham this week and had a great time. Fortunately Mrs Jena took photos of the event which, as I'd never seen table cricket before, helped me understand how it's played. I'd been wondering how all the players fitted on one table!!!



Have a great weekend.


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