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Castle Hill High School

Quality Awards

Continued and sustained improvement is at the heart of everything we do at Castle Hill and external accreditation and recognition play a key role in this. As such we have achieved, or are in the process of pursuing, the following nationally recognised quality awards.


Anti-Bullying Alliance Gold Award


 In March 2020 we were awarded the Anti-Bullying Alliance's 'All Together Gold Award' in recognition of our work in combatting bullying and promoting an anti-bullying ethos.




Leading Parent Partnership Award


 In recognition of the outstanding efforts in working with parents and carers we were awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award in February 2017. We were reaccredited this award in December 2020 and September 2024. 

Careers Education, Independent Advice & Guidance Award



In January 2017 Castle Hill School was once again awarded the Gold standard for Careers Education, Independent Advice and Guidance.

We have held this quality mark for the standard of our Careers provision since 2013.

National Autistic Society Autism Accreditation



We achieved  Autism Accreditation from the National Autistic Society in June 2018 and in October 2021 

This award shows that as a school we:

  • Are committed to providing effective support which is person-centred and rooted in an appreciation of current knowledge and understanding of autism. 
  • Seek to understand each autistic student as an individual whose autism is an integral part of who they are and who have their own unique qualities, abilities, interests, preferences and challenges.
  • Enable each autistic student to carry out meaningful tasks and activities by employing a range of autism specific and personalised approaches and methods.
  • Support our autistic students to achieve outcomes that have a positive and significant impact on their lives.








Best Practice with Teaching Assistants Award


 We achieved this award in July 2018 and were reaccredited in May 2022. It offers a framework for the strategic management of teaching assistants' work and will help us to evaluate and recognise the valuable and increasingly complex role of teaching assistants in pupil achievement.



Wellbeing Award for Schools 


 In June 2023, we achieved the Wellbeing Award for schools - A National Standard for Positive Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing. This award was developed in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB), the Wellbeing Award for Schools is intended to help schools prepare and equip themselves to promote emotional wellbeing and positive mental health across the whole-school community. 

To achieve this, the use of a ‘whole-school approach’ where all aspects of the school experience are harnessed to promote the emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils, staff and parents. It is an approach where emotional wellbeing and mental health is everybody’s business. 





Rainbow Flag Award for Schools 


 In January 2024, we will start the application for the Rainbow Flag Award. 

The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for primary schools, secondary schools and SEND schools. The award focuses on the positive inclusion of LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities) across the school and to ensure the curriculum is diverse and inclusive. The Rainbow Flag Award encourages a whole school approach to positive LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.

School achieved the first part of the award 'Skilled Teacher' in May 2024. 





ELKLAN Communication Friendly Status Setting 


 In January 2024, we will start the application for the ELKLAN Communication Friendly Setting Status. 

The Elklan Communication Friendly Setting (CFS) accreditation is awarded to settings that have trained and supported all their staff in communication and language development. They will also have shown evidence of embedding this knowledge in targeted interventions and through the implementation of a Communication Policy. 

The successful application for this award will rely on a whole school approach, Elklan gives staff key tools to be able to develop pupil communication skills and social understanding. 







Good Schools Guide

Since 2018 we have featured in The Good Schools Guide. Its review includes the following passage: 

An ease and harmony exists between students despite their varying needs and previous school experiences. One parent also highlighted this saying, 'children know each other’s problems - they’re in a bubble and it’s nice bubble to be in.’ We met an engaging group of students from across several year groups, and were struck by how confident and reflective they were about their own journeys.

The full review can be read here:

Good Schools Guide 


Wellbeing Award in Schools logo