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Castle Hill High School

Pupil Premium & other 'Catch-Up' Grants

Pupil Premium: The Facts

Pupil Premium is additional funding paid to schools in respect of their disadvantaged pupils (pupils who have been registered for free schools meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years or are looked after continuously by the local authority for more than six months or whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces ).  Schools receive this funding to support their eligible pupils and narrow the attainment gap between them and their peers.

The level of premium for secondary age pupils in 2024-25 is £1,050 per pupil.

Looked after children receive a slightly higher rate of funding called Pupil Premium Plus, which is £2,570 per pupil for 2024-25. This is to reflect the unique challenges they face at school where they often struggle to keep up with their peers.

Children who have parents in the armed forces are supported through the service child premium which for 2024-25 is £340 per pupil.

The Department for Education's fact sheet about Pupil Premium can be viewed here: 

Pupil Premium at Castle Hill

The following documents explain how Pupil Premium operates at Castle Hill High School :

Pupil Premium Policy

2024-2025 Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

The Summary of Strategies linked to the EEF 

The following document summarises the strategies we use at Castle Hill in supporting students eligible for the Pupil Premium grant.

Summary of Strategies


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