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Castle Hill High School

Code of Conduct

Students are expected to behave as responsible members of the school community and abide by a simple Code of Conduct. Parents and students are expected to support the school in the implementation of the code.

Students are expected:

  • to show respect and consideration at all times.
  • to respect the school environment.
  • to behave in a reasonable manner both in and out of school,
  • to take responsibility for their own actions.
  • to respect the rights of the school community.

Students are asked to sign our Home School Agreement which outlines the behaviours expected of them.

Students must specifically agree to:


  • Keep themselves safe and not behave in a way which may threaten the safety of others.
  • Respect and take care of the school environment and its surroundings.


  • Be respectful and helpful to everybody at school.
  • Be tolerant of others irrespective of their race, gender, sexuality, disability, age or religion.
  • Listen to others and respect their opinions.


  • Behave sensibly in and around  school and on their journey to and from school.
  • Follow instructions given to them by all members of staff.
  • Take responsibility for their behaviour and actions.
  • Resolve any problems in a non-confrontational manner.

Sixth Form Behaviour Pyramid


  • Attend school regularly and be on time both to school and lessons.
  • Wear the correct school uniform.

School work

  • Be ready to learn and take part in school activities.
  • Do all of their classwork and homework to the best of their abilities.

 Sixth Form Code of Conduct


All reported incidents of bullying are dealt with promptly by staff in an attempt to eliminate it altogether. If your child appears to be distressed by the actions of other children, please let us know. Where a child persists in bullying or indulges in serious misconduct more formal disciplinary procedures may be introduced. These can result in exclusion.


We use the following sanctions prior to any exclusion.

These include:
  • extra work being set for breaktimes and lunchtimes;
  • detention of various lengths;
  • students being placed on report;
  • verbal warnings from senior staff;
  • notification of behaviour to parents/carers;
  • isolation;
  • internal exclusion;
  • behaviour report reward card;

Exclusion (Fixed Term)

When the behaviour of a child attracts exclusion, parents/carers have clear responsibilities. For exclusions up to and including five days, a student is required to be supervised directly by his/her parents or carers. An unsupervised child found in a public place in this period leaves parents/carers liable to a fine through a fixed penalty notice. When a child is excluded for six days or more, Castle Hill will make provision for full-time education. However, this will not be at Castle Hill but at another school or educational setting where the child will be taught by qualified staff.


Behaviour Policy - this is in the process of being updated

Reward Systems at Castle Hill

Anti-Bullying Policy

Wellbeing Award in Schools logo