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Castle Hill High School

Feedback on Forest School

We invited parents and carers to take part in a survey, to give us their feedback on our Forest School curriculum:

Forest School is always D's favourite lesson of the day!

O is showing a greater maturity when outdoors now and is thinking about plants, nature and how we take care of things and the environment.

A spends most of his time outside, climbing and swinging. He he has a spin chair hung on a tree and he will relax here, spinning around slowly. He will eat his tea/dinner outside on a hot day and cold days. Also gardens, cutting and picking up leaves, and putting them in a tub.

C loves Forest School. She likes to be out in the fresh air and walking in general. I'd like to think she engages in conversation (even if only in a small way) with her peers.

D loves Forest School and has used some things she learned at home e.g. bug hotel and bee garden.

S loves talking about Forest School. He looks forward to the lesson. It's improved his social skills.

It's a great idea. S uses it and tries to grow his own sunflowers each summer. He waters our plants and flowers too.

L enjoys forest school very much and enjoys being outside. Excellent option for children to engage outside and learn about their environment, making education fun.

D has been wanting to do more activities outside since doing forest school. D really likes forest school he looks forward to it every week.

I think H has improved a lot and looks like he really enjoys himself in the lessons. H loves the lesson's Mr Hadley plans and hopes he can do it again.

N loves forest school he says he wishes he could do it in Y10 (he wants a rematch in hide + seek Jumanji).

I think Forest School is an important part of the curriculum. Being able to be outdoors and connect with nature, has  so many benefits for young people.

B loves being outside, he has been climbing a lot more and moving items around at home like his rope ladder which he never really bothered with before, also spending more time in his hut, also eating in his hut.


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