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Castle Hill High School


The following after-school clubs are currently running:

Club Who is it for? Time Teacher


Music Years 7-11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Morley


Nature Years 9-11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Hadley
Homework Years 7-11 2.45 - 3.45 Mrs S Cooper
Social 6th Form 2.45 - 3.45 Mrs J Jones
KS4 Football Years 9-11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Deveroux
Gaming  Years 9-11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Borthwick 


Chess Years 7 - 11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Pilling 
Spanish Years 9-11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Rodriguez
KS3 Football Years 7 - 9  2.45 - 3.45 Mr Hampson 
Gaming  Years 7 - 11 2.45 - 3.45 Mr Borthwick


If you want to attend a club:

  • Get a letter from the teacher running the club.
  • Check with your parents/carers and get them to sign the letter. Remember if you’re not an independent traveller someone will have to collect you from school.
  • Give the signed letter back to the teacher.




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